You have to visit the coast in the summer in order to experience the smell of fresh air. Near the ocean with each crashing wave, the fresh air is filled with scents that are at full peak in summer. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves, all combine to create a sense of peace and calm. In the woods, the fresh air is filled with pine scent and moss. Each is unique and has a calming influence over the senses. 

Nova Scotia SunriseThe Color of TurquoiseFull Moon on the Horizon Fishing Pier at 14th Street Cape ElizabethRaceway Point, Cape Cod #1Cape Cod LighthouseWest Quoddy LH, MEPeggys Cove Harbour #1Peggys Cove Overlook, NSWaves of LightOcean DreamsOcean City SunrisePeggys Cove LHAnnisquam LighthouseCape May LighthouseBass Harbor LH, MESpirit Reborn59st Street PierThree BoatsAt the HarborAfter the StormSplit Rock Light HouseThe Eagle and the CrossMilky Way over Nova ScotiaSea and SilenceMans' Best FriendSea of DreamsQuietudeJust the Two of UsA New DawnDunes at First Light